Dear Readers: This is Dr. Jayalakshmi from Mithran Dental and this post supplements my video on the subject of ‘early signs of dental disease’, which I request you to view @ this link

if you have not already done so.

The objective here is to make you aware and act quickly once you sense trouble with the health of your teeth and act early to contain the damage and restore your dental health.

Sign #1. Bad breadth

Bad breadth  is something which you abhor due to the embarrassment it causes, but it is also something you may not be aware of until somebody picks up the courage to point its existence to you. Why to get into such a situation at all, when you can check the condition of your teeth by visiting your dentist; A professional is better placed to identify whether it is due to cavities, bacteria and offer you with the treatment that would not only avoid embarrassment but also put your oral health into good condition.

Incidentally, gum disease is the largest cause of tooth loss in adults. Bad breadth offers  an early warning signal for you to act to visit your Dentist and prevent the losses before it is too late.

Sign#2. Tooth Decay

When there is a decaying of tooth, there is clonisation of bacteria .This along with the decomposing food that is logged in the cavities cause bad breath. Cavities are common both in children and adults. Nothing like acting to check the signs and arrest the decay.

Sign#3. Mouth Sores

Mouth sores can not only be annoying but nagging as well as painful. If they persist for  more than a week, you would have to be concerned about it and take the next step to consult your dentist.

Sign#4. Teeth Sensitivity

You must have watched the advertisement for ‘Desensitizing Toothpaste’on the TV; whether exaggerated or otherwise, it sends a message, which is that ‘teeth sensitivity’ can cause discomfort and pain, when you consume hot or cold food. If you spot such a symptom, it could be because a tooth of you might be cracked or the enamel starting to wear out. If unattended, it can gradually progress to pain. Timely consultation with your dentist will relieve you of your troubles.

When remedy is available on hand with a visit to you dentist, you can as well avail it by visiting your dentist, who can identify the problems and treat them before it becomes an emergency.

Dealing with your dental issues on time, would not only save your dental health, improve oral hygiene but also your purse.

Should you have or see any of the signs that need attention, please schedule an appointment with us by calling   T :044 2442 02 82

M: 76 8789 8789, 98841 60550 or visiting our Clinic @ Mithran Dental No 57/2, L B Road, Adyar, Chennai 600020



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