Make EveryDay World No Tobacco Day

The impact of Tobacco on general health is by and large known to us that it affects our lungs and heart.

But are you aware that the usage of tobacco has progressive detrimental effects on your oralhealth?

Do you know that your Oral Cavity is the gate way to general health?

#Effects of Cigarette on Oral Health/Hygiene

The most significant effect of smoking is its impact on  the gum health.Our gums serve as a supporting structure for our teeth. Cigarette smoking reduces the blood supply to the gums thereby making them weak to support the teeth.

Added the salivary flow is reduced in a smoker, this leads to accumulation of more food debris which later forms into plaque and tartar.An interesting fact that many are not aware of is that Saliva also carries Immunoglobulins that help in fighting infections. This immune response is also reduced in chronic smokers and they tend to deveop Oral Thrush from Smoking.

#Effect of Smokeless Tobacco on Oral Health/Dentition

The usage of smokeless tobacco causes wearing away of the teeth.Most of these products carry grit particles which serves as abrasives and leads enamel erosion predisposing  sensitivity of teeth. These tobacco stains get deposited on the teeth and the tartar pushing away the gums from the margin.This futher leads to exposure of root of the teeth,weak tooth,shaky tooth(Periodontitis). Further effects are

-decreased taste from coating of tongue

-slow healing after surgical procedures.

-dental caries

#How to stop smoking or tobacco chewing

-First and foremost is the withdrawal of oneself from peer pressure.

Build a chain of friends who have better relaxation habits.

-Chew candy or chewing gums

-Channalise your energy towards exercise and body builing

-Drink a lot of water

-Avoid Smoking Triggers

Throw away any cigars,lighter and ash tray that you have

-Ask for Help: feel free to resort to the help of smoke free friends.

Above all  Get Motivated ,Keep Motivated by  a Smile Transformation from a Dentist

To know how, reach us  at :044 24420282, +91  9941880282

Mail us:

There are varies ways to your smile transformation ranging from traditional scaling and polishing to Teeth whitening procedure, Dental Laminates(celebrity smile),crowns and bridges. All these treatments are condition specific so better to consult your dentist and then decide what is right for you.

Reach us for queries on the above mentioned info.

Wishing Good luck for all who have decided for a change!!!





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