Scaling of Teeth does not cause harm: Myths about‘dental scaling’ busted

In this blog post, we would clear the myths/misinformation that surround on dental scaling and convince you with facts as to why dental scaling is beneficial to your dental health, oral hygiene and physical health.

Oral bacterias that inhabit the mouth produce plaque. Plaque is a soft but sticky film that gets developed over the teeth and gums on account of harmful bacteria that causes gum diseases. If the plaque is not removed on time through scaling, it gets hardened and develops into a tartar. Unattended plaque and tartar would result in bad breath and bleeding of  gums, making your gums weak over time and there by your teeth as gums are the holding structure for the teeth.

Myths/misinformation on Scaling of Teeth vs the facts

Myth #1:  Scaling reduces the strength of the teeth and makes them shaking

The reality is just the opposite. The deposits that accumulate on the teeth over a long period of time form a ‘semi-calcified’ layer between the gum and teeth as a result of which the gums get recessed from the teeth. When scaling is done, it primarily removes the tartar deposits, which gives you a temporary feeling as though your teeth are getting loosened, but the fact is that it is bad support that had hitherto been given by the ‘tartar deposits’  that gives you this feeling. After the scaling is done,  your gums would gradually  get attached back to the teeth and you would get an astoundingly good feeling that would make you thank your dentist.

Myth#2:Scaling makes the teeth sensitive!

No doubt there would be a moderate sensitivity when the scaling is done . As well as temporary or transient sensitivity after scaling can occur at times. It is primarily from the fact that the teeth are being exposed to the oral environment after a long time. This transient sensitivity will disappear over a week’s time.Besides MANY COULD NOT FEEL THIS SENSITIVITY FROM THE BEGINNING OF TREATMENT AS WELL.Once the scaling is done we suggest you on a gum astringent for a week or two that helps in rapid and quick response to healing of gums.

Myth #3: Scaling causes gaps between the teeth

The fact is contrary to the myth. The disease on the gums gets developed fast when the teeth are not maintained with the care they deserve and it is the progression of the ‘gum disease’ that causes the gaps between the gums, wherein tartar gets deposited. The gaps are transient in nature, provided we remove the tartar through scaling. The scaler tip does not have the efficiency to push the gums away and create gaps between teeth. When the tartar between the teeth are removed the spacing that is caused by the tartar deposites tends to show up. The rationale is that the gums resume their original position within a few weeks, assuming that the gums are not impacted by any other problems, such as, for instance‘pathological migration’ of teeth. Your dentist is the best person to advise you if problem of such or any other type exists.

Myth #4 Scaling of teeth is a painful procedure

There can’t be a better lie than this to dissuade you from starting your journey towards maintaining healthy oral hygiene. With the advancement of technology and when you are under the care  of a skillful dentist, scaling is a PAINLESS procedure. It is erroneous to equate the feelings you get due to mild scrapping and vibrating sensation with pain.

For those who are inclined to review evidence based scholarly studies on the positive impact of scaling on your physical health, there are a large number of evidence based research that is taking place. One of them is referenced here, with a disclaimer that it is purely for the accrual of your knowledge. We do not guarantee this.  For instance, although it is not yet conclusively proved, this study at, which examined whether dental scaling decreases the risk of ‘Parkinson’s Disease’, came to the conclusion that those who underwent dental scaling for a consecutive period of 5 years, significantly reduced the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

Retuning back to the topic, you can watch our video on You Tube  ( )  titled “Myths About Scaling” | Mithran Dental |Chennai |Adyar Wherein Dr. Jayalakshmi  provides a  visual and presentational clarity who takes personal care of you at her clinic,

Besides you could also refer our playlists on You Tube Entitled “Oral hygiene Maintainance” (

And Gum Care (

for more insight on Oral Health Maintainance.



 At Mithran Dental Clinic, Dr. Jayalakshmi,  first examines the condition of your teeth and thereafter advises what requires to be done. In other words,  no preconceived notions are formed and ill-advises are given for the sake of charging a fee on a procedure that may not be needed.

Keywords: # “Myths About Scaling”, #Dental scaling; #Teeth cleaning # Periodontal diseases , #tartar deposits, #plaque, #Mithran Dental, Nearer to #Adyar,#LBRoad, #Thiruvanmiyur, #Indira Nagar

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