In this post  we will sensitise you on the causes of ‘tooth sensitivity’ arising out when it comes into contact with ‘cold  food’ items and in the video that follows, we suggest remedies to overcome it.


Cold sensitivity of teeth arises from wearing away of teeth from

ATTRITION, ABRASION, EROSION, BRUXISM  and/or  exposure of the root structure from Gingival Recession.

I have spoken in detail about GINGIVAL RECESSION – REMEDIES TO IT in a video in detail.

Please check in the link to know about Gingival Recession.

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 Leading causes of hypersensitivity

#1.Gum Recession – Root exposure is a most common cause of tooth sensitivity. This could be due to a variety of reasons, as for instance for gums recession. Since the root exposed if porous and exposed to the oral environment it becomes more sensistive.

#2.Faulty Tooth Brushing Technique – ABRASION

Sensitivity could be caused when we apply excessive pressure while brushing or if we use a toothbrush that contains hard bristles. Over a period of time, this can cause the protective layers of the teeth or some tooth to weaken on account of ‘micro-cracks’ that get formed and arrive directly at the roots of the teeth.


   Happens  from gradual wearing away of the tooth from aging or from habits like BRUXISM.

Grinding of the teeth, which is termed as ‘bruxism’ in the dental parlance causes damage to the nerves without even your realising it because grinding of the teeth occurs while you are at sleep and the resulting deterioration of calcium structures in the tooth called Enamel and Dentin.


Erosion happens from taking acidic food stuff like Sodas on regular basis.

The Calcium layers in the tooth has tubules that houses the nerve ending. These calcium structure that houses the tooth nerve are called Enamel and Dentine.When the Enamel and Dentin are affected by any one of  the above factors the nerves attached to our teeth are exposed, when you consume acidic foods, say, tomato sauce, thats when  cold sensitivity of tooth starts.


1.Densensitising Toothpaste

2. Desensitising Mouthwash

Approprite use of Densensitising toothpaste and Mouthwash has been explained in the video entitled ColdSensitivity of Teeth – Remedies to it by Dr Jayalakshmi who runs Mithran Dental @ Adyar, which you can watch by clicking this link:

Cold Sensitivity – Remedies to it | Mithran Dental | Adyar | Chennai

If these remedies do not work and if you continue to suffer from prolonged tooth sensitivity, gum swelling, pain, it is advisable to book your appointment at Mithran Dental where Dr Jayalakshmi would first hear you and thereafter customise a treatment plan, craft and execute it by keeping in mind your comfort and extending utmost care.

Key words:#Tooth Sensitivity, |Causes|#Remedies| #bruxism| #| #Mitran Dental|#Adyar| Dr Jayalakshmi

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